Sassanid Savaran Cavalry
Hello all! Sorry I've been rather quiet lately - things have been a bit busy. And then yesterday we had a series of power cuts, which didn't help much. We quite often seem to get them, when the weather returns to being mild and wet after a period of cold. It was only our housing estate too - we could see from our windows that the rest of town was lit and warm.
But anyway this morning I have realised that, in the midst of all the chaos, I am the owner of a Sassanid Persian army - slightly odd in terms of WAB points, in that it is 2,650 points... But it's an army and it's mine. I finished it off yesterday, by the (somewhat dim) light coming in through the patio doors, as we had no electricity - but applying shield transfers, gluing shields in place, and spraying the completed models with Dull Cote aren't tasks requiring bright lighting.
2,650 points comes about because of adding an 'extra' unit of archers - without those, the army is about 2,500 points.
I've stuck a couple of photos in the Sassanid Photo Album.
Painting-wise, the next thing will be a unit of Roman auxilia. It'll be a big unit too - 24 figures, as opposed to the more usual 16, in order to represent a 'cohors milliaria' rather than a 'cohors quingenaria'. As you may have read, I tend to make my Roman units 'regular', to represent particular Roman unit sizes, rather than making them odd sizes so the army fits a certain points-value. And after that...