A Vexillation from Legio XII Fulminata

Legio XII

Here is my latest Roman unit, a cohort from the Twelfth 'Thunderbolt' Legion.  They are subtly different from my previous cohorts.  The most obvious difference is in the shields, but the mix of armour and helmets is also different - I'm hoping that it gives the impression of a unit coming from a different area, with a different supply chain.  More rectangular scuta and more segmented armour are in evidence, when compared with my other cohorts - see the banner above for example.

I'm quite pleased with them - they do look very different, whilst obviously still being related.  They're painted in almost the same way, except that the 'armour closer' plates (at their throats, on those not wearing segmented armour) are painted Citadel Dwarf Bronze instead of Foundry 36B Gold and the trim on their clothing is Foundry 37B Terracotta instead of shades of purple.

There will probably be a short hiatus now, as I have a 'rush job' on - Warlord Games want me to paint something in a hurry!

Copyright © Dr. P.C. Hendry, 2010