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Old West Casualties
Casualties for Dead Man's Hand, from Great Escape Games, from left to right Lawmen, Cowboys, Outlaws and Desperadoes. Painted the usual way - white primer, bright base-coats, 'Strong Tone' Army Painter Quick Shade, finished off with Testors' Dull Cote.
Progress in Second Chance City

One of the lads on 'The Guild' forum wanted a photo of all that I've done so far - so this morning I set one or two up. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I've done… I've kept sticking each completed piece in a 'Really Useful Box' and sticking it in the cupboard - it was only when I got them all on the table that I realised that I'm making such good progress. …
The Crosby Garrett Helmet
(Photograph courtesy of the Portable Antiquities Scheme)
"The horsemen enter [the parade ground] fully armed, and those of high rank or superior in horsemanship wear gilded helmets of iron or bronze to draw the attention of the spectators. Unlike the helmets made for active service, these do not cover the head and cheeks only but are made to fit all round the faces of the riders with apertures for the eyes…" (Arrian, ars tactica 34)
Another 4Ground building - a saloon, probably with a brothel upstairs. I decided I wanted this to be a 'new' building, so I cleaned off all the 'soot' from the laser-etching, and used 'new' shingles, as well as touching up the paint on the cut edges. It needs a little bit of 'dusty' weathering around the bottom, and a sign for 'Girls' pointing towards the outside staircase around the back, but otherwise is finished.
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