My Blog
Bar, Part the Second
I've been hard at work on Rogan's Bar. I didn't use the windows that came with the kit, but made my own from some clear plasticard. I like them so much I shall fit windows to all my buildings - should be easy to do the odd broken, cracked or missing pane too!
As well as touching up the cut edges and starting on new signage (first version only, it's probably going to end up being Fitzgerald's) I've also done some fiddling on with the roof. …
Here's the bar, as it stands so far. It just needs the roof dealing with and it'll be finished. The roof is what I'm undecided on - it's too shallow, with a pitch of about 1 - 20, for shingles. I'm not sure I want to use 'plain' tar paper. Apparently some flat roofs had tar paper, but then an inch or two of sand over the top to help provide fire-proofing - you'd probably get some small clumps of grass growing too. …
I wanted some tents to house the people with the unfinished buildings. These are from Renedra - I have four painted, but only photographed two.
In addition I painted the 'freebies' given to me by the guy who supplied the metal cacti. More clutter has to be a good thing!

I'm still pondering how best to base all this stuff. …
Here are some cacti which I bought from an Ebay seller. They're very nice, and come highly recommended. I need to make some 'sabot' bases for them, some rocks and other rough ground. By leaving the cacti 'loose' and using magnets on the sabots, I can vary the look, and the sabots will be easier to store than big bases with lots of cacti.
County Sheriff's Finished
Here's the 4Ground County Sheriff's Office, more or less finished. I might do a little more painting on the 'planked' roof (which is simply painted card), to weather it in a bit more, but I think it looks different enough from the 'other' Sheriff's Office (which I'm re-signing to be the Town Marshal's Office) for my purposes.
Marshal's Building
I have almost finished the Marshal's Office, as you can see above. What I'm struggling with is roofing. The 'as supplied' roof isn't very good, so I've got in the habit of replacing them. The only problem here is that the building is very similar to the earlier one I made, and I don't think I want the roof to be the same, or they'll end up looking like little and large versions of the same thing. …
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