Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!  I appear to have recovered from my lurgy, and am feeling fine, which is a relief.  

I've started painting some Warlord Games figures, but haven't been feeling very enthusiastic about painting, so I'm not getting on very fast with them.  I don't have any suitable shield transfers for them yet, because Steve at Little Big Men Studios hasn't made any yet.  I expect that once I see the transfers I'll be overcome with enthusiasm, and will get them finished off in short order, just so I can see how nice the transfers look!

But, in the meantime, I have got very enthusiastic about the rules again, and have been madly researching and writing the army guides.  Some of them are fairly well finished, and I'm quite confident.  Others of them are very much 'works in progress' and will need a fair bit more research and a lot of play-testing.  But I have finished a first draft, which is a good feeling, not least because now I have an idea how the whole project will 'feel' when it's finished.

In case you're interested, so far I have done some work on each of the following army guides:


Early Imperial Rome (25BC – AD97)

Trajanic Roman (AD98 - 117)

High Imperial Roman (AD118 - 192)

Severan Roman (AD193 – 235)

Empire in Crisis (AD235 – 275)


Ancient British (55BC – AD211+)

Occupied Gaul

Batavian Revolt (AD69)


Early German (25BC – AD117)

Middle German (2nd - 3rd Centuries)


Western Arabia

Southern Arabia


Parthia ( - AD224)

Sassanid Empire (AD224 - 275)


Great Revolt

Bar Kochba Revolt



Iazyges & Roxolani

Desert Tribes


Blemmyae/Nobades (AD197 – )

I am open to further suggestions, if anyone has any - but please bear in mind that the rules are aimed purely at Rome and her enemies 25BC to AD275!  

I've also written a couple more special rules for the, er, rules, which are, I think, needed to cover the attributes of some of the armies listed above.

Copyright © Dr. P.C. Hendry, 2010