Real life, this year, is really getting in the way of wargaming. I have been, and remain, far too busy, doing all sorts of things for all sorts of people. Right now my time is being taken up revising the church's child protection policy - as one of the churchwardens, I am an ex-officio member of the child protection sub-group of the Parochial Church Council. So most of last week, and this, has been spent poring over the policies devised by the national church, and by the diocese, in conjunction with our own, spotting things missing from our own (and all of them!), and writing notes in preparation for the next meeting with the whole sub-group. Tedious, yet vital. Potentially disastrous if we get it wrong.
But I have found time to get a spot of painting done. Triarii and Principes for the first allied legion. They're going quite well, but I am stuck. A lot of the models have pteruges/pteryges. The question which arises is 'were they leather or linen?' There doesn't seem to be any truly convincing evidence pointing either way. So we're on to aesthetics... Given that they're going over white tunics, they look a bit bland as linen. But as leather, they're a bit brown-looking, and I fear the figures as a whole may end up a bit dull. I've painted a few with them as leather so far, and am far from convinced. I could do some of each, but they really stand out that way. Decisions, decisions!
I think I'll have to leave them for now and paint the rest of the figures - might give me a clue as which will look best (or least worst!). These Aventine Miniatures models are lovely though - I'm sure they'll look great when they're done, whichever colour I choose. The poses are good (but I do wish they'd done some kneeling Triarii), the detail excellent, etc.