It's Easter Monday, and it's raining. All is therefore well with the world: it's meant to rain on Bank Holidays!
Yesterday Matt asked me whether I could post 'before and after' photos of the dipping process. So, without further ado, in the sidebar is a 'before' photograph.
The model has been cleaned up, washed in hot soapy water, rinsed, dried, glued to its base, and primed white. Then I applied, reasonably carefully, the base coats of colour. I've got a few errands to run today, but I'm hoping at least to get the 'Dip' applied to him and his fellows - using a brush of course, rather than actually dipping the figures in - it's less messy and allows better control of how much 'Dip' goes on the figure and where it ends up.
There's a bigger version of the photo in the Army Painter Quick Shade gallery.
More later - I hope!